Children at Bible EFC

Our Mission for Children's Ministry is to develop a saving knowledge of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, within the hearts of the children in our church and in our community through enriching activities, ministries and special events that encourage a desire to share the Good News with family, friends and others.

Check-In basics


All volunteers have gone through child protection training and have had a background check. Volunteers are asked to check in and get their nametags so children and family members know that they are in the gym to have fun with them. 


We ask that all families stop at the check-in station before their kiddos head into the gym.  We will have your child wear a name tag so we know they are supposed to be in there. We will ask you to fill out a registration form if you are new to Bible EFC. Check-in will begin 15 minutes before service.

Pick Up

We ask parents/adults to wait until the gym doors are open and then we will release children once a volunteer sees you and can bring them to you. 

Children's Security

We strive to do our best to love your children and protect them.  We will have the gym doors locked when there is not a check-in attendant present. Volunteers and children will be able to exit the gym in the event of an emergency but it limits access to the gym while ministry is happening. Do not worry if you arrive late or need to pick up your children early and there is not an attendant outside the gym doors.  Please ring the doorbell located towards the top of the door and a Children's Volunteer will greet you at the door and help you. 

Are you new? Fill out the Connection Card and we will have you in the check-in system when you get here.       Connection Card



Our nursery is designed to allow parents (and all adults) the opportunity to fully take part in our worship service and know that your kiddos are cared for and loved. Nursery is offered for children birth to 2. 


This classroom is available for children 3 & 4 year old children. This also includes children who are in 4k or preschool.


After check-in, students will head to the gym for a large group lesson.  Once the large group lesson is done the students break into smaller groups for activities suited for the grade level.  **Elementary takes a break for the first part of summer to give our volunteers a time of rest**

Children's options are currently only offered during the 10:15 AM service. *We would ask that children stay in the same class all year. Example:  If your child turns three part way through the school year, we ask that your child stays in the nursery until next fall*


Awana is our Wednesday Night ministry for children age 3 through 6th grade. Awana is weekly from September to April. Awana introduces biblical truths and develops a respect for God, His Son, and His Word. Then we work to ensure that kids are not only knowledgeable of God's Word but can apply His truth to their lives and face anything as disciples of Christ. It is from 5:45-7:30 PM and begins in the gym.  Our Awana program costs $30 per clubber for 30 nights of club. Payment plans and scholarships (part or full) are available.



Vacation Bible School

What is VBS? This is a week where current 3-year-olds thru 5th-grade students can come for a rip-roaring good time. They will learn how “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8. Our VBS is free so bring the children in your life. 

VBS is June 23-27 from 5:30-8 PM. Each night will have games, snacks, and crafts and they will learn about God’s ultimate plan, power, rescue, trust, and love!


Infant/child dedications

On Mother's Day, we use a portion of the service to dedicate infants and young children to the Lord. Contact us to learn more.

Dedicate your child