
What is J1? It is a group of students that come to the USA, from different countries, to work. Part of this experience for them is the cultural one. Our goal is to open our arms to welcome them and not only share our culture but the message of the Gospel. There are a couple different opportunities scheduled so far. 

They are July 24 & August 14. All of the events start at 7 PM. We are providing dinner for all three events so make sure to join the Bible EFC- Adults Facebook Group or keep an eye on the Connection Point to see how you could help. Contact Annalisa Russell to learn more (608) 377-0315.

Host Weeks for family promise

Do you know what Family Promise is? It is a local non-profit program in Monroe County to help families in homeless situations. They are at their Day Center during the day and different churches host them in the evenings. 

Our 2024 host weeks are April 14-21, June 9-16, August 11-18 & November 10-17. The volunteer sign-up sheets will be available at the Connection Point as we close to each host week.

Serve at bible efc

There are many ways to serve at Bible EFC. Whether you are working behind the scenes, greeting people, working with children & youth, or becoming a small group leader.  There are easy ways to jump in.

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