Senior pastor succession

We approved Pastor Neil as our next Senior Pastor in August of 2023. Pastor Tim's last Sunday will be November 3, 2024. Watch for more details about his celebration.

Here are the letters from Pastor Tim regarding our Senior Pastor Succession Plan: April 2023    April 2024

Meet our Staff

  • Neil Nelson, Senior Pastor email

  • Tim Erickson, Pastor email

  • Ben Upham, Youth Pastor email

  • Krishna Battista, Children's Ministry Director email

  • Nikki Renaud, Office Manager email

  • LeighAnne Puent, Worship & Youth Admin email

Church Leadership & Ministry Leaders

  • Our elders gather for prayer the first Sunday of the month and meet the third Wednesday of the month.  Our current Elder Board is:

    Wayne Edgerton, Church Chairman

    Robert Joyce, Elder Chairman

    Dustin Robertson, Frank Best, Craig Meeusen, Jason Strike

  • Our Finance Team consists of two elected financial positions, two elders, two members at large, our Senior Pastor and our office manager.

    Treasurer: Brenda Strike

    Financial Secretary: Linsey Abel

    Elders: Dustin Robertson & Wayne Edgerton

    Members at Large: Walt Weiland & Ron Nicks

    Staff: Pastor Tim, Pastor Neil & Nikki Renaud

  • Sue Bannan is our Awana Commander.

    Sue Bannan and Naomi Reimann are our Vacation Bible School Co-Directors.

  • Jason Renaud is our current Building & Grounds Ministry Leader. 

  • Charissa Finn & Nathan Jungmeyer are our Ministry Leaders for our Connections Team.